Senin, 06 September 2010

Robot Anjing Laut Jadi Terapis Manula

Robot Anjing Laut Jadi Terapis Manula
Not only humans who can become a therapist. Robots could do that. In fact, this robot has a view that is funny, dog-shaped sea and snow-white fur.

"When you call him, he would open his eyes and looked around," said one nursing home residents in Tsukaba Toyoura, Japan, when assessing such a robot named Paro.

Paro was developed by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and has been listed by Guinness World Records as the robot
world's best therapists in the year 2002.

AIST, who was then studied 13 patients who most of them suffering from amnesia finds that they generally feel better after playing with a friend mechanic and increased hormone detected through their urine.

Meanwhile, in another nursing home, the robot seals were not only helps the eight patients to talk more, but also help in various activities of the elderly. Topics such as gossip and diseases that previously often discussed the patients and nurses now changed with a funny chat about Paro.

Paro had to work extra. At first he only turned on for 15 minutes, but now he finally switched over one hour per day.

The AIST researchers also showed the existence of Paro as a therapist, brain wave disturbances in patients with amnesia and the number of patients who often wander reduced. Which ultimately also reduces the workload of nurses.

Quoted from Asahi, Monday (09/06/2010), equipped with artificial intelligence, Paro able merspons addressed differently each time. He was able to remember what makes the movement of her employer happy. Paro itself began to be created and studied since 1996 and began to be marketed since 2005.

"Half of knowledge and learning from the experiences of people who play with him. He also gave more meaning in every movement," said Takanori Shibata is leading the robot project.

Besides Japan, the use of Paro as a therapist is also used by the Danes. Country's greatness seems to have taken advantage of Paro since November 2008 and plans to introduce 1,000 units of the same robot to help with recovery of the elderly with the help of a local non-profit organization.

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