Sabtu, 04 September 2010

NASA Lakukan Misi Ambius ke Matahari

NASA Lakukan Misi Ambius ke Matahari
NASA developed an ambitious mission to launch a car-sized satellite into the atmosphere of the sun, where there has never been another plane to where it was before.

This spacecraft is called Solar Probe Plus slides are planned before 2018, NASA said on Thursday.

Institution has selected five space science experiments along these spacecraft that will explore the sun. Instruments including the solar wind particle detector, 3D camera and a solar magnetic field measuring device.

"This project allows human ingenuity where previously there was no plane that went into the sun," said program scientist of NASA Solar Probe Plus, Lika Guhathakurta in a statement.

"For the first time, we can touch, feel and smell a rat the sun."

Solar Probe Plus when approaching the sun, this satellite will encounter temperatures exceeding 2550 degrees Fahrenheit (1399 degrees Celsius) and a strong blast of radiation.

This spacecraft is expected to gain what has not been obtained previously. Seeing stars closer to allow scientists to better understand the radiation environment to characterize and forecast for future explorers, NASA officials said.

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