Senin, 13 September 2010

Bumi Terbentuk dari Ledakan Bintang

Bumi Terbentuk dari Ledakan Bintang
A meteorite that landed on Earth almost 150 years ago was found to contain microscopic pieces of the exploded star, when our solar system was born.

Chemical composition of the Orgueil meteorite that hit France in 1864 showed that a nearby star explodes as a supernova about 4.5 billion years ago, just as the planets from the sun formed.

This research could solve the mystery of why the level of the metal element, chromium, and varies from one planet to another meteorite.

Studies of meteorites known as embedded role in grain Chondrite, researchers led by University of Chicago's Nicolas Dauphas.

These findings are reported in detail on the issue of Astrophysical Journal September 10.

Previously, scientists believed that the chromium 54, which is an isotope of the element, along with other chemical elements evenly distributed throughout the cloud of gas and dust from our solar system that collapses.

"This is very mixed, but apparently some of the material got there and not entirely homogeneous, and that the results are quite interesting," Bradley said Meyer, a professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Clemson University who do not work on the study.

For four decades, scientists hypothesize supernova explosion occurred about 4.5 billion years ago that might trigger the birth of the sun.

"Apparently at least one big star to contribute material to the solar system before birth," Meyer said in a statement.

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