Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Kamera HD NASA Rekam Es di Mars

Kamera HD NASA Rekam Es di Mars

Images from the camera of NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter HiRISE is showing ice on crater 20 feet (6.1 meters) in the surface of Mars, reported on Friday as quoted from UPI.

Researchers suspect, the crater in the northern part of Mars was formed no later than April 2004, said Nathan Bridges, HiRISE science team member at the University of Arizona. The crater appeared in photos taken on June 6 and July 7.

"It showed that we can find ice in the far south," said Bridges. "Along with our research, this will be useful in determining where the shallow ice on Mars," he said.

Closing this ice covers an area of approximately 20 square feet (6.1 square meters). "Maybe this crater has the same depth as we dug in the ground at Phoenix in 2008 and then," he said.

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander landed on the Martian arctic in May 2008 and found evidence of ice below the surface. During the next Martian summer "HiRISE team will probably take additional images to examine the crater," said Bridges.

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